Make Limericks, Not Hate

A Collection of Limericks Made from the President's Tweets

When: November 2018

Who I worked with:Done under Prof Golan Levin.

What I learned: How to manipulate language and layout using code, as well as libraries such as Rita.js and basil.js.

What this was: This project is a "Generative Book", made for Prof Levin's class, Interactivity and Computation. From the Course Webpage:

The purpose of this project was to prompt students toward a deeper appreciation of procedural authorship -- by generating text, images, layouts, and their comprehensive combination in a complex yet familiar physical object, a book. Students acquired: experience combining multiple self-written programs into a multi- stage workflow; exposure to various toolkits for language analysis and synthesis; skills with tools and algorithms, such as part-of-speech taggers and Markov chains; familiarity with generative text strategies, in the context of artists' books; and an awareness of text corpora for creative computational play.

This book was printed in an edition of 25 uniquely generated copies. Chapters were contributed by 22 undergraduates, the majority of whom were first- and second-year students in the CMU School of Art. All of the texts, illustrations, and layouts in this book were computationally generated and automated, using open-source libraries like Processing, p5.js, RiTa.js, ml5.js, Basil.js, and NLTK. Illustrations were included.

Below is a section from the total 300 Pages I generated.